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S$1,200 |
Optional Add-ons for New Registrations:
- Company Incorporation
- Preparation of XBRL
- Filing of Annual Return, Annual General Meeting and others
- Maintenance of statutory records
- Registered Address with mail alert service
- Nominee Director
- Nominee Company Secretary
Every company in Singapore must appoint a qualified company secretary who is residing locally in Singapore within 6 months upon incorporation. The company secretary must have the requisite knowledge and is responsible for ensuring all regulatory compliance stipulated by Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). DUTIES OF THE CORPORATE SECRETARY

- Accounting / Bookkeeping (Preparation of Management Report with Income Statement, Balance Sheet and supporting schedules)
- Payroll Administration (Payslip Preparation, Computation and submission of CPF/IR8A for employees)
- Filing of tax to IRAS including ECI
Proper records and accounts should be kept so that the income earned and business expenses claimed can be readily determined. The accounting records supported with invoices, receipts, vouchers and other supporting documents must be kept for 5 years. SCOPE

- IRAS Tax Investigation and Audit
- Tax Compliance Review/ Health Check
- Tax Planning Consultation
- GST Registration & Filing
- Preparation of Corporate/Personal Income Tax Computation and Submission of Tax Filing
- Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Claim
A tax advisor can minimize your tax liability while ensuring compliance with the tax regulations. Inaccurate tax filing and tax evasion intentionally or negligently is not acceptable in Singapore, where heavy penalty will be imposed if convicted. |
Prevention is always better than cure
- Review your tax returns and declarations periodically, seek professional advice when necessary.
- Engage a tax professional to conduct a tax compliance review/health check on your tax filing regularly.
What should you do when you are being investigated?
- Do not obstruct the tax investigators from performing their duties should your premises face a raid.
- Seek professional advice before the time limit to make a voluntary disclosure to IRAS.
- You are required to provide any information and documents that IRAS requests. Do ensure that the relevant facts provided are correct and complete.
- Be absolutely sure of your answers to the tax investigators, the facts that are to be disclosed should preferably be supported by documentary evidence.
- Appoint a professional adviser to represent you during the investigation.

- Cause/Corporate Event Planning, Development, and Implementation
- Cause/Corporate Marketing Management, Planning, Development, and Implementation
- Design, Advertising and Media Planning
- Website Development
- Email & Social Media Marketing
Branding is the identity that shapes someone’s perception of the company. While Marketing is what enables you to spread the word about the services and products that you have to offer. A well-planned and executed branding and marketing strategy will help you realise your business’s goals and build a strong reputation for your products or services, keeping your company image in the mind of your potential customers, which may translate to sales increase, brand loyalty, and even attract talents to join your company. |

All Singapore companies must appoint an auditor within 3 months from the date of incorporation, unless the company is exempted from audit requirements.
Audit plays a crucial role in raising the quality and reliability of companies’ financial disclosures. Thus Appointing the right auditor who can act as an effective gatekeeper is therefore fundamental to protecting the value of a company.
- Exercise professional judgement and skepticism when assessing the risks of the company, planning appropriate procedures and gathering the right evidence.
- Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion and to consider the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements arising from fraud or error.
- Express an opinion on the financial statements based on conclusions drawn from the audit evidence obtained during the audit.
- Report to the company on the financial statements required to be laid before the company during its AGM, as well as on the company’s accounting and other records relating to the financial statements.In its report, the auditor will state in his or her opinion the following:
- if the financial statements are prepared in compliance with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards and the provisions of the Companies Act
- if the financial statements give a true and fair view of the company’s state of affairs, results, changes in equity and cash flows of the company; and
- if the accounting and other records are kept in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act.